Sunday, June 26, 2011

Coral Anatomy

You can use the term once cnidarians are encountered in biology, but perhaps you've forgotten the meaning of the word. Let me refresh your spirit found a little "with the meaning of that term. Cnidarians are a small group of animals in the sea and the most famous example of this family-corals. Yes, the only form of differently colored corals and belong to this family. You can see the coral more than once in your life and wondered how corals. We are more about the anatomy of theCoral polyps and how they in what we see now made.

The corals are to be produced by an accumulation of small organisms as polyps. These are tiny organisms that resemble the elongated shape of a tube. The peculiarity of this organism is that it is symmetrical, which means one hand is like another, and when they cut, and is exactly the same. They have tentacles that they use to get food. The maximum number of polyps have tentacles that is eight. There aredifferent cell types that make up the coral. Nematocysts can be found for example in the tentacles. They excrete toxins that stun the small organisms, especially crustaceans, and then to swallow the food. They act as a defense and as a weapon to catch their prey. Another possibility would be the glandular cells into the central cavity of the polyps are found. Releases enzymes break down the food we swallow polyps after anesthesia to help with toxins. Epithelial muscle cells have afunction other than the time to help, polyps contract voluntarily motion allows. The mucus-producing cells release viscous liquid, which helps to remove impurities from the body of the squid. Basically, the inner and outer parts of the polyp. When it comes to the reproduction of polyps, the interstitial cell is responsible for the differentiation between male and female cells.

Some polyps are nocturnal, when it comes to power, in the sense that they actively feed at nightmore than during the day. Protect yourself, keep their tentacles throughout the day and extend their tentacles to catch during the night attack on its prey. Corals are protected by the hardening of calcium carbonate, which is released from the skeleton of polyps after death, and can be used as hard and soft corals, depending on whether the protein is produced mainly in the remains classified or not. The corals are unique and deserve to be protected because it is homeHundreds of other life forms found in the sea and seabed.


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