Crowds line in NYC's Apple store in hopes of getting their hands on the newly released product.
The future of console system looks uncertain if not scary for big companies that continue to produce bulky products such as the Xbox360, PS3, and the Wii. Already, experts are predicting a decline in sales of the average $60 games that cannot compete with the pockets of those struggling along with the economy. Many are flocking towards cheaper alternatives to get their gaming fix. There are tons of free games out there that never have to come close to falling in the hands of a major console. Services such as the App store or Google?s Android market are taking over and becoming household names when it comes to purchasing games that are either free or significantly inexpensive. Whereas old fashion brick and mortar franchises have crumbled over the fallen market, digital services are swiftly becoming the rising alternative.Look where Angry Birds originated and how much success it has garnered since it?s not too distant release by Rovio (the company responsible) on the Nokia phone. One can hardly walk through a major retail store and not see a single hint of those pesky birds lined across shelves awaiting to be sold. The game quickly spread like wildfire and found it?s way through multiple platforms. Platforms in this this case, however, relate not to the typical Xbox or Playstation consoles but to industries than can operate the program?s intended design. The simplicity of the game gave it access to reach devices including, smartphones, tablets, and many other forms of technology. What originated from Nokia traveled to rivaling territories where big shots set foot in a conquest for control, but was predetermined to be embraced and accepted by all.
The latest version of Angry Birds showcases a space-themed environment suited for a physics-based game.
Of course the sound of Nokia already seems outdated with the instantaneous evolution of smart phones and tablets, and the masses that are diligent in having the latest up-to-date technology. Compare that with the 2005 release of Xbox360, PS3 and Wii in 2006, and that sounds like ancient civilization. Media coverages are up to speed with the annual release dates involving the latest versions of Iphones and Ipads. People wait days and even weeks to buy an upgraded device that had been upgraded not too long ago. Newscasters and articles point every aspect and give thorough explanation why one should go out and purchase it. Crowds don?t seem reluctant to follow and projected sales do not disappoint.If numbers truly matter then it?s no wonder why people are going crazy over small-developing games and why investors are quick to jump and grab a piece of the pie. With the average $50 spent on 1 tank of gasoline alone, why buy a video game for around the same price that would probably be outdated in a month or two? In comparison, apps and games that are actually enjoyable and free to play become much more appealing. It only takes a quick search, a hearsay or even a friend encouraging you to play and you have hours of playtime available at the palm of your hand. What tool would achieve this? Why that would be the smartphone you most likely already have. Or is it that easily portable tablet or laptop that you can play your favorite games anywhere on the go? Even major consoles are at the constant threat of the might of PCs. World of Warcraft by Blizzard came out in 2004 and still has over 10 million members playing. Loyal fans waited a decade for the release of Diablo 3, and the prequel game continues to have a following of active accounts. How many people are still playing games from consoles that came out the same year? No wonder why console games are so expensive, they have to constantly be reproduced and upgraded into a ?new? product in order to be relevant.
Diablo 3
Back then most games were single or two-three players. Now many games have online content that allow you to reach to thousands if not millions of people. This age and generation will be one known for its use of social media. How could one function without our everyday tools such as Youtube, Facebook, or Twitter. We are social creatures and we love to indulge ourselves in the company of others especially when it comes to playing in the cyber world. Investors are putting their money in tools that revolve around all these factors, to appeal to the mass audience. If the money is well spent, it can only be room for improvement. That is why smartphones, tablets, and other small handheld portable devices are seeing an increase in their App store product sales and hits, and why more games are being translated to this venue rather than the old fashion major console. It?s easy to produce, it?s more personal, it?s cheap, and provides good revenue. This comes at a disadvantage to consoles with companies pulling out, or developers and publishers slowly diminishing and merging with others to survive. More title games are becoming obsolete and the general audience is losing interest. Factors like these come uneasy, but at this rate, consoles need to be shaken up and reawaken. It?s been years since these major consoles had a facelift and by now they are all but due for vital organ transplant. Rumors predict a new and upgraded Xbox and soon would the PlayStation follow. Hopefully we see such improvements in this year?s E3 and hopefully E3 will give them the shake that it needs.wade phillips wade phillips time person of the year sag nominations sag nominations time magazine person of the year time magazine person of the year
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