COMMENTARY | "We were tired of Obama campaigning around saying we don't have we don't have a jobs plan when we've had one for nine months, so we codified it into a bill," said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., (and son of crazed Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas) Thursday.
Paul was referring to the "Jobs Through Growth Act," a Republican Senate bill co-sponsored by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. According to the Daily Caller, among provisions in the "nine-month"- old plan were a balanced budget, a line-item veto, reduced corporate income tax. Sen. McCain quipped: "[Democrats] believe that government and spending creates jobs. We believe business and growth creates jobs."
Give me a break. Sometimes it's tough to know where to begin dissecting the mis-truths floated by politicians. For example, the balanced budget amendment was first proposed by Harold Knutson, R-Min., in 1936, and has failed in the Congress every time it has been proposed or voted upon. As they supposedly say more often in red states than in blue, "That dog won't hunt." It's not a new idea. Next?
When it comes to the line item veto, presidents since Grant (in 1876) have been requesting that mechanism. It passed in 1996, but was quickly shot down by judicial review. Again, this is not a 9-month-old idea. It's older than anyone alive and has been a perpetual point of contention for more than a century.
As to lowering corporate taxes, perhaps Paul and McCain didn't get the memo, but the general public isn't overly thrilled with the idea of continuing to push crony capitalism. It's not just a bad idea, but as Yosemite Sam says: "Them's fightin' words."
I won't presume to speak for all Americans, but for my part I am sick of seeing politicians on both sides of the aisle drag out tired old legislation that they know won't fly. It's become a game of cheap parlor tricks with no substance wherein both parties drag out their old, beaten down war horses, call them options, and then cry "foul" when the opposing side does what is expected and balks.
Dear Congress, we the people don't have time for you to continue to play politics with our lives. And in case you missed the latest polling data, neither do you.
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