Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to Detox from Marijuana Abuse

How to Detox from Marijuana Abuse

How to Detox from Marijuana Abuse

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Home Page > Self Improvement > Addictions > how to Detox from Marijuana Abuse

how to Detox from Marijuana Abuse

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Posted: May 20, 2010 |Comments: 0 | Views: 104 |

There are many opinions about marijuana, but if you are a frequent user, you may decide it is time to stop smoking pot. out of all the addictions to substance there are, addiction to marijuana is often not taken seriously. this drug is considered by most to be the least damaging to the body. yet cannabis, or marijuana, is one of substances that can contribute to external toxins.

This drug contains THC, which is a fat soluble substance that takes a longer time to leave the body than most other drugs. while other drugs are water soluble and take only a few days to leave the system, the fat soluble THC can stay in your cell for more than a month. due to this, marijuana detox involves treating three organ systems; the skin, the urine, and the blood.

Treatment normally includes a combination of minerals, vitamins, and herbal remedies. You can even get holistic remedies that will remove the toxins from your body. in order to completely eliminate the affects of this drug in your body, you need to address the removal of the THC and the symptoms of withdrawal. There are many withdrawal symptoms associated with your rehab to marijuana. The most difficult to deal with is depression, insomnia, and nightmares. Emotional outburst and a decrease in your sexual drive are some others. these symptoms will lessen over time but it can take a little while and is very uncomfortable.

In order to manage these uncomfortable symptoms, there some easy home remedies you can try. Hot baths are great for soothing feeling of aggression and mood swings. Make sure that you drink more water and more clear liquids. this will help you flush your system of the toxins in your body. Cranberry juice has been known as a great remedy for urinary tract infections, but it is also a great way to purify your system during the marijuana detox. Another way to remove toxins from your body is to sweat. so, exercising at a high level will allow these toxins to leave through your pours.

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Article Tags: marijuana detox, how to stop pot, marijuana abuse, addiction to pot

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How to Detox from Marijuana Abuse

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