Coping W?th Stress An? Financial Worry Long Term C?n Cause Serious Harm T? Y??r Health!
Coping W?th Stress An? Financial Worry Long Term C?n Cause Serious Harm T? Y??r Health!
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Home Page > Self Improvement > Coping With Stress And Financial Worry Long Term Can Cause Serious Harm To Your Health!
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Coping W?th Stress An? Financial Worry Long Term C?n Cause Serious Harm T? Y??r Health!
B?: Lawrence Pointer
Posted: Oct 22, 2009
Views: 164
D? n?t th?nk ??? ?r? alone ?f ??? ?r? experiencing raised levels ?f stress, potentially another 99,999,999 Americans ?r? th???ht t? b? suffering th? same fate! Th??? figures ?r? fr?m a survey taken BEFORE THE CREDIT CRUNCH! Suggesting th?t one third ?f those polled h?? increased levels ?f stress. W? ?r? seeing ??m? ?f th? hardest ?n? ??????t financial times th?t m??t ?f ?? h??? never experienced. Th?r? h?? ?n? w??? never b? a better time t? give serious consideration t? h?w ??? manage ???r stress. Coping w?th stress ?? n?t a long term option, w? ??? need t? remove ?? much ?f ?t fr?m ??r lives ?? ?? possible.
Th? symptoms ?f stress m?? vary, b?t ??m? ?f th? m??t common symptoms ?f excessive stress include restless ?r sleepless nights, difficulty m?k?n? decisions, difficulty concentrating ?n ???r work, a constant feeling ?f being tired ?r ill ?n? unending worry. People under chronic stress h??? a hard time being motivated t? carry out everyday tasks, ??tt?? ?wn anything requiring th?t ??tt?? extra push. Th?? m?? find ?t difficult t? b? affectionate w?th th??r ????? ones ?r t? b? optimistic.
D? ??? ???r feel th?? way? Many people ??, ?n fact recent studies h??? shown ?? many ?? one ?n three Americans wh?n ??k?? agreed t? b? suffering w?th t?? much stress! Therefore potentially 100,000,000 Americans ?r? living th??r lives w?th t?? much stress!! Stress ?? practically ?n epidemic. Th? major concern ?? stress ?? now being linked t? very serious health problems, ?n? ??n ???? amplify ??m? existing complaints.
Sometimes people th?nk th?t ?things w??? ??t better? ?n? th?n stress won?t b? ?? much ?f a problem ?f th?? ??n ???t ??t through until next month. Th?t m?? b? tr??, b?t w? h??? ??tt?? control over much ?f wh?t happens ?n life, ?n? ?f w? simply wait f?r circumstances t? improve w? ????? h??? suffered greatly fr?m th? effects ?f coping w?th stress ?n th? meantime ?r b? causing future health problems f?r ourselves.
Th? human body reacts strongly t? prolonged ?r severe stress, ?n? ??r mind ???? n?t always know h?w t? cope ?n autopilot. Wh??? ?t ?? ???? t? know th?t people ???? ?n? depend ?n ???, ?t ??n b? stressful knowing th?t ???r co-workers ?r employees, ???r spouse, ???r children, ?n? perhaps others need ??? t? b? performing ?n? supplying 100% ?f th? time. Letting th? pressures ?n? stress ?f financial strain build ?n? compound themselves ??n lead t? serious consequences ?n? effects.
T?? much unrelieved stress ????? cause th? following problems (?n? many more!):
* Chronic tension ?n ???r neck ?n? back
* Weight gain
* Conflicts w?th ????? ones
* Clinical depression
* Increased risk ?f heart disease, cancer, ?n? ?th?r diseases
* Problems w?th ???r memory t? name a few ?f a very long list???
Eventually ??? m?? ??t t? th? point th?t a constant state ?f anxiety seems ?normal? ?n? ?n? relaxation ?r relief fr?m th?t anxiety seems ??k? a rare, exceptional event! If ??? ??n relate t? th?? situation ?t ??? th?n ??? m??t b???n contemplating ???r stress management.
Th? truth ?? th?t h?w ??r life goes ?? ?n?? one tenth determined b? wh?t happens t? ??. Th? ?th?r nine tenths ?r? determined b? h?w w? react t? wh?t happens t? ??. H?w ?? ??? react wh?n ??? ?r? under stress? H?w ?? ??? react wh?n ??? ?r? ???m ?n? focused? Th?r??s a b?? ??ff?r?n??, ??rr??t? Y?? need t? master learning t? control stress ?r ????ll spend ???r life reacting b?????? ?f stress, damaging relationships, destroying ???r health, ?n? maybe even shortening ???r life. Th? quality ?r ???r health, wealth, career ?n? relationships ??? depend ?n h?w well ??? strive t? achieve quality stress management. Coping w?th stress ?n? actually being proactive t? remove ?t ?? much ?? possible ?r? two different ball games altogether!
S? wh?t ??n ??? ?? t? manage ???r stress?
N?w understandings ?n? therefore technologies h??? b??n developed w?th th? modern ?stress state? ?n mind. Digital downloadable products h??? b??n developed th?t enable ??? t? learn ??? th? tools th?t ??? need t? implement now ?n? f?r th? rest ?f ???r life, wh??h w??? enable ??? t? combat ?n? future encounters w?th stress easily.
Y?? ??n learn t? reach a much deeper sense ?f relaxation th?n ??? th???ht possible, b? learning ??m? simple exercises. Giving ??? th? clarity ?f mind t? discuss ?n? resolve ?n? issues ??? m?? h??? w?th ???r ????? ones ?r family members. Y?? w??? learn a higher level ?f self awareness th?t w??? allow ??? t? build upon ???r strengths ?n? rid ??? ?f ?n? weaknesses. Y?? ??n ?t?? letting people push ??? around, n? matter h?w far-fetched th?t m?? seem t? ??? r??ht now. Once ??? learn t? manage ?n? eliminate ???r stress, ??? w??? b? ?b?? t? ?? ?th?r things th?t m?? seem impossible r??ht now.
Th? invisible enemy th?t ?? stress needs t? b? mastered more now th?n ?t ?n? time ?n ??r lives, ?n? far t?? ?ft?n w? h??? given up weeks, months, ?r even years ?f ??r lives t? th?? foe. B?t ?t ???? n?t h??? t? b? th?? way. Y?? h??? within ??? th? ability t? master stress ?n? t? change ???r life drastically f?r th? better. Th?r? ?r? proven techniques ?n? systems th?t ??n b? found ?n-line th?t ??n h??? ??? t? n?t ???t manage stress, b?t t? eliminate th? effects ?f stress ?n ???r body, ???r spirit, ?n? ???r relationships. Imagine now ?f ??? w???, forget ?b??t ???t coping w?th stress, b?t h?w ???? w???? ??? feel ?f ??? mastered ?n? removed ?t fr?m ???r life f?r ????!?
Lawrence Pointer ? Ab??t th? Author:
STRESS IS A SILENT KILLER! St?? stressing ?n? ?t?rt learning! CLICK HERE ==>>
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Article Tags:
coping w?th stress, stress, reducing stress, stress reduction, h?w t? reduce stress, managing stress, mental stress, overcome stress, stress problems
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