Thursday, November 3, 2011

'Idol' vs. 'X Factor': Who has the better host?

By Craig Berman, contributor

Dan Steinberg Chris Pizzello / AP file

Which host do you prefer? Steve Jones, left, or Ryan Seacrest?

It's still early in the "X Factor" experience in the United States, but one clear difference between the show?and "American Idol" is the host.

"Idol" has the ubiquitous Ryan Seacrest, with arguably the most prominent role on the show, and the spotlight-hogging persona to match. "X Factor" has the workmanlike Steve Jones, keeping the train running on time and otherwise staying in the background.

It's inevitable that the country will be divided into Team Ryan and Team Steve, with disputes that make the Jay Leno-Conan O'Brien fanbases seem calm and quaint by comparison. Or at least, we can hope so. So let's get the ball rolling already!

Are you ...

Live Poll

Who do you prefer?

Team Ryan:
Pros: Few shows are as reliant on their host as "Idol" is on Ryan Seacrest to add personality to what can otherwise be a brutally dull show (especially with the current group of judges, whose biggest criticism tend to be "That was great! But it could have been even greater!"). He's quick with the one-liners, has a good stage presence and comes across as genuinely caring about the fate of the contestants. And as the show's success in the post-Simon Cowell?era indicates, he's more integral to the fate of the show than any of the judges.
Cons: Have you heard the rumor that Ryan turned down a proposed 24-hour Ryan Seacrest reality TV show because it wouldn't provide enough exposure? Probably not, because I just made it up. But seriously, the dude is everywhere: on the radio, co-hosting awards shows, serving as this generation's Dick Clark. At some point, he becomes the house guest who never leaves. And he has been known to insert himself into the spotlight a few times. Every episode.

Or, are you ...

Team Steve:
Pros: Clearly Steve Jones sees his primary job as keeping the show on schedule. He showed no qualms in his first live show at cutting off the judges' banter when it took too long and became annoying, which thrilled everyone who has ever screamed "SHUT UP ALREADY!" at a reality show judge (which is everybody who has ever watched a reality TV show that featured judges). So far, he?s kept himself in the background, which has kept more focus on the contestants themselves.

Cons: Do you like attending parties with someone who is constantly checking their watch and reminding you that curfew is just an hour away, or that the baby sitter needs to be home by midnight? Me neither. Though being Naggy McNaggerson is a boon to those who DVR "X Factor" to watch later, since it means the show doesn't run long, someone should probably tell him that few of those watching live are thinking, "Yes! Thanks for making sure my local news will start on time! Also, ?X Factor? has done little to bring out his personality, so right now he?s as riveting as watching paint dry.

So which camp are you in, and why? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page!


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